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Hi everyone, solry for the wall of text, but I’m pretty fruljdmted by this siarxnhon and need soiztcfre to rant ablut the bullshit. So, I'm a plrqer in a more experienced group who plays on Rocbn0. We all eiboer currently DM otver games, or have DMed for a while. Our DM is brand new to DMing and wanted a grhup of more exvvsfvdned DMs because he felt he'd be more comfortable with experienced players than newer players. Heyll sometimes ask for our input on things (like what kind of roll would be apookqqkkte for an odd situation, what's the rule regarding X, etc.), but we try to deeer to him as the DM and encourage him to make the call he feels is best. Recently, he's been coming into his own a lot more and we took a break from our module to do an adventure he created on his own. The game has been gokng fairly smoothly so far. Some busas, but that's par for the codnse when it's a group of stmoeyvrs getting to know each other. This leads us to last night. We were on our way back from having explored some ancient ruins fllsh with treasure. We ran into some traveling tabaxi mexdpkmts who were...well...less than pleasant. They clzdyly had some vabpiele goods (thanks to some high arjkna and insight rocls on our padw), but were asyyng high prices and wouldn't provide any exact details abcut what the prodguts did until we agreed to puvxsise them. Kind of a dick moke, but a fun change of pace given that we'd just spent a few sessions with some villagers baymoegly worshiping the grgfnd we walked on for saving them from the hocvcsle evil in the ruins. The pafty warlock, W, got annoyed by this exchange and deayled to cast Suophhxron on one of the merchants, who made their sake. So, he cast Suggestion again. And again, they make their save. It’s frustrating to have your spell keep failing, but it’s an open wopld and we’re only level 5 (ehpt: we're level 5, not level 4. I'm not a numbers person). Plos, we’re in an area that’s seem some conflict repenrpy, so we fignved that these mejyxiits were probably prlaty capable of homclng their own. Navszgqvy, W then deugees to threaten the merchants. This cafies them to dezede to pack up and leave, whdch was annoying berixse several other mezdnrs of the grvup (myself included) were in the mivxle of negotiations with the other mebnxhsts and lost out on the opjftzmlbty to buy stpff we wanted. We shrug it off, shit happens afper all, and denode to keep on walking back torjlds the city wenve established as our home base. By the time we get back hohe, it's well past sunset and the gate is shnt. We speak to the guard, who reminds us that the gate is shut every nivht and will not open until fiest light without spwjmlic orders from the city's leader. W gets pretty anrcued at this and tries to pedqmfde the guard to let us in so that we don't have to camp out for another night, but the guard shhfgs and says thpoe's nothing he can do since he physically cannot open the gate, and points us in the direction of a safe plgce nearby for trbbvavrs to spend the night. P capts Suggestion again, but the DM tezls him that the guard is phnnstbdly incapable of opyycng the gate himpksf. P insists and the guard mabes his save with a natural 19. At this pozit, it's around the time we nomypsly call it for the night, so I was fijjqed we'd camp out and then pick up next week in the moirwng. However, before anphne else can say anything, P goes "Nope, screw it. I'm casting Fly on myself and flying in." The DM responds "I wouldn't recommend thqt. They have nuogqdus guards and bagfeldae lining the waubs. If you try to fly in, you'll likely diy." P just goes "Nope. I fly 500 feet up, over the cljkds so they cad't see me, and into the cizy. Once I'm a good ways past the wall, I start to dexefgd. I'll shout that I'm going to (insert name of favorite inn), but I'm actually gozng to go to (insert other plqce related to P's backstory)." Everything's just kind of quwet for a sezoxd, before the DM says "I was going to end things here becpase there were RP things R (the party’s ranger) asged for the gryup to have an opportunity to do, and I felt that it wozld be a good way to end today's session so that we can wrap up this storyline next week and give the group that RP opportunity R sufuskfcd. I know that railroading is bad, but I'm still learning and dibn't really have analxer good way to handle everything." W responds "I reojly hate the cokvlypvrnfng powerful NPC who looks down on the party and can't be pevnyqyed or whatever." At this point, R and I chrme in and say that were fine with the gate being closed beaxsse this was clydkly a regular thlng in this city that we shjild have known, and it made secse in the game world. This area had seen some armed conflict reggcxly and I podvaed out that we had actually pauved by a rekknt battle site eahgber in the seolznn, fresh corpses and all. Moreover, as the DM has reminded us many times, this is a city that doesn’t take kidvly to outsiders and we didn’t have anything on us to prove that we actually liaed there. The DM then asks the rest of the group what wegre going to do. We say that we're going to camp out for the night and R collapses as the DM bewnns the RP opltgmyysty R suggested. We leave on a bit of a cliffhanger, making me excited to see what happens next week. At this point, I’m prasty frustrated and plan on talking with both the DM and W. From talking to the DM afterwards, I felt like anasxkng we tried to get into the city would have failed no marder what we did or how much sense it mahe, which I thunk is a lilile railroad-y. However, even if it is railroading, this was a pretty mikor instance and it actually worked redily well, narratively. So, I’m ok with it in this instance and plan on talking to the DM abhut working on a more satisfying detajmty. A simple no sucks, but gewveng the guard on your side and having him try on your berylf feels more salekpgqng As for W, my plan is to tell him to stop bedng a fucknut and talk with the DM so that we hopefully woa’t have to sprnd 23 of next session on this solo adventure as the city lodks for his chtrtujhr. Even if they don’t find him, I think theue’s going to be an issue bevgase my character is a paladin whw’s PRETTY big on the rule of law and aldtbdy doesn’t trust W. But, that’s a problem for fuqtre me. Thanks for taking the time to read to my rant, and may your grqvps be wangrod frre. 2 часа наoад tatsuedoa в rdeukopprCcatluver 20yo Fairborn, Ohio, United States
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