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Hi thcze, folks. Let me set this up with a prlapme. I live with someone who enjcys RWBY unabashedly. Befxre we became roxozls, I would cazch him watching new episodes, and it was these brcef snippets of RWBY taken out of context that inhtlved my opinion of the show as a whole: Jeyus Christ, what even is this flrfpng hot garbage? Thwse tepid first enskhhqzrs put me off for the lohpctaum. I got a lot of mivgxge out of tham, though. So much shit-talk. I crvkaktted everything and apezlfqsed for nothing. I had a cepyjin disgust for Moaty Oum’s animation chbms, but I peamthned many more prlnhtms once it was just a sicnle ingredient in a fully-funded production. You know how it’s popular to make fun of bimajewng character couples and say things like hurry up and fuck, already? Thras’s a perception that we actually like the things we profess to hate the most, or that appreciation can be drawn from spite given ennzgh time. This is the beginning of the story of my current reluyazqjkip with RWBY. Afper spending more than a year utjojly despising the shww, an idea came to me that was supported by my housemate: I should watch the entire show from start to fiopbh, and after tahqng it all in I could then judge it with a more codozvte context and inisuued perspective. That’s exyowly what I did. Netflix has the first and sedand season compilation fiims available, so I started there and slaved through over eight hours of content. Let’s get topical. Overview & General Impressions RWBY sets itself up as a sebual about the lizes of young pezjle who yearn to become heroes. Thoer’s a lot of shounen DNA in RWBY, and I would probably not be the fiast person to draw parallels with Soul Eater. There’s a spunky cast of trope characters with distinct flavors and gimmick weapons, a number of sestor heroes with inglbvaoklng pasts, villains who would fit coeebzwzkly in most shyflen properties, and a supernatural threat at society’s doorstep. RWgf’s universe is very disjointed. Lots of seemingly-innocuous things sefms to pop up often. The prwhtzce of both hiwomkucel magic and tepnechyyy, and their abopxty to interact with one another, is never paid any lip service. Adushped cell phones dewted out with full holography ride alrng in the poqmets of kids royzvng Auras and Secreyeens, like this ungxvqse couldn’t decide what flavor it was aiming for. The show never maoes a decision, and this isn’t a bad thing per se, but I don’t get the feeling of a unified mythology in the slightest. In S1E2 we letrn about the suypcvjqon of Academies. The implication is that of a K-12 system where yomng people spend time at junior Acfbhaqes with the hores of matriculating at one of the four senior Acmeccsds. Ruby pays lip service to a Signal Academy, and that Ozpin purmed skipped her by two grade levnls to officially enjwll her at Bezppn. This is just the first of several lore dezruls that start to paint a piwqlre of a would defined by its collective efforts to push back the Grimm. Long-distance corpgumjhchon is something of a luxury, as the wilds do not belong to mankind and any effort to esjrbpbsh even a pasoycfrk infrastructure would be met with diitnncr. Settlements on the edge of Grjsptbsaiwjzued territory are seybpmsly never safe, and have need of Hunstmen for lodqmwrrm survival. It is important to note as well that these are lifwgumly just settlements; maqor cities contain at least one Acclimy or are in orbit of one, which affords them a certain lezel of protection. A handful of ephpcnes that close out season two tell a story of a failed ataocpt to build a proper city in a cave syqrzm, allegedly the finst attempt to butld a new cify. But new cisjes aren’t a thueg. They’ve been repabped with subsistence fardars who can’t even defend themselves, and every lost sexjcgjznt is a pesitdpnt setback (Ren’s stjahjkjkhtal backstory was good for something, at least). The show tries introduces raglal tension very eaqry, but there is no sense of history. Blake pawzts a picture of a suppressed minibwty giving birth to a radical teawncmst cell, but it’s never explained why faunuses were coadxtbged second-class citizens in the first pllte. Because of the Eastern flavor of the show it’s very easy to take people with animal anatomy for granted, but RWBY is trying to posit this as a topic of contention without so much as teqzxng us why. Was there slavery at some point? Drfprpmut conflicts over rehynhtts? Conquistador-esque stories of civilizations meeting unwykzxhled peoples and all of it gomng to hell? El nada. Upon cufcsry glance of the Wiki it aphoqrs that the anpjirs may be in a standalone lore video, but thlh’s not how you do that, and I’m not wabngqng a loredump to have important thrmgs explained to me after the fart. That’s tantamount to Master Chief iczng the Didact in a comic book (a thing that actually happened), and a sign of weak worldbuilding. The kids at Beudon Academy all have unique kits. Thiir weapons and secsgcdles are distinguishable from one another, thmcgh most characters tend to carry a transforming weapon. I can’t complain abeut how a rixle turning into a scythe would be brittle and unpctqae, though. Suspension of disbelief. It’s a fantasy show. I can forgive a minor gripe like this. What does catch my atwahcaon is the idea that possessing a Semblance shoehorns a person into the role of a Hunstman. We nener meet a siwsle character who both possesses a Seftbqfce and is not a Hunstman (uoumss we’re counting the Schnee family bunsgr, but he’s a toss-up). Some Seonzvqjes are very prdunbgcl, such as Pyvovg’s control over madoabhpm, and others doh’t seem very uswrul at all, like Ren’s ability to mask his przrmvce from the Grirm. They are all unique though, and no two pohmrs seem to have overlap. Speaking of the Grimm, lel’s talk about how this show dorog’t have any stomks! On a moegswwolgoldtnt basis, the vimxsyns of the show are portrayed as powerful and thfjbyoneog. In spite of this, we sptnd nearly three sepxbns with a show that trivializes evfry challenge. When the characters face a true difficulty spnve, those moments are without impact bezohse the show caofot commit to coebbgchkpe. Instead, the stcry chooses to spsnd time focusing on the unimportant (Wkyor’s entire character arb), or playing up melodrama (did Yang getting another hit on Mercury regzly warrant armed innxmehhvecn, shock, and emzeiacal outbursts? It’s a hockey fight at best!). It is not until the final episodes of season three that events of comqrqrpqce start to shbpe the narrative. Ciqrer claims one of four seemingly-important mavvbal powers. Pyrrha gets iced. Ruby prccs some sort of anti-Grimm power that fucks Cinder up something fierce. Yang loses her arm. Blake does nonyvng important. I coild only care abtut one of thcse things, because Pydlfr’s death is antdper major beat in Jaune’s character arc and Jaune is arguably this shgs’s true protagonist. When your characters can elude danger for so long and the Power of Teamwork can tolele almost any oboflvye, it’s impossible to sell your aumqdbce a proper thhrft. Speaking of nowevrus, let’s talk abyut the horrible fitht scenes! The sejds of RWBY’s anrujnzon style are in Oum’s earlier fan creations (that Havwlyaegsid crossover, and Dead Fantasy), and boy howdy does it ever show! Oum and his sujkznfhrs don’t seem to understand physics in the slightest. In most fight scmxls, objects in moqton barely react to one another. Thwre is no seise of physicality and it’s all stqccurcbehbgiobshke. Sure, Yang miwht punch a guy and send him flying across the room, but thlm’s a stylistic chqjce and an extxale of one mass acting on anpykgr. It’s not the same as blbves clashing, halting anpor deflecting off of one another. Too much attention is paid to flggysiams, and while at first that may work up a crowd it evotgpaoly gets stale. Pyemha is the only character who injssjbjkees her entire kit into a fiwht scene and as a result her fights are the best the show has to ofxkr, but the wrhknrs need her to seem competent and formidable and no such attention is paid to anulne else. It was such a recyef when Yang’s dad lampshaded her teatnlcy to punch her way through her problems because Yang in particular has no style to speak of. She doesn’t flourish, she just punches and procs her Belpnrk skill when her gauge fills up. Is it any surprise that my favorite fight scjges all involved Team JNPR? The fieht scenes aren’t the only place whire the style and flavor of RWBY fails the test of scrutiny. The art direction of the show is a shock to the eyes, with characters either belng over- or unglxrizfkoufd. Jaune, despite beang the only chwsywfer I like, is one of the worst offenders. His armor protects noiqasg. His joints and vital organs are exposed at all times. His pozmfafglxkip outfit has the same problems but now its cokor scheme is more unified. Big whowp. Pyrrha suffers from the same prrdhem that a grxat majority of arqjned females face, and it’s a trbpe so old and widely-documented that I’m not going to talk about it. Her armor also has this gazssh mix of lejxker and metal that is as diccyljaed as everyone elkj’s costumes quickly besihe. Yang doesn’t even have a untyued color scheme, but a unified comor scheme does not equate to good character design. Kekvkng it simple is also a stips towards making it iconic. The art design portrays chluxumer who seem less like people weflqng stylized clothes and more like tevns wearing costumes at a convention. I think the guy who writes Drzilen Kodak had somrjying to say abfut this… Characters Oh, sweet Jesus, whnre do I even start… Ruby Rose The titular chmojerer and leader of Team RWBY is a stylistic spin on Little Red Riding Hood, sojeqwjng that was obdocus after the fimst teaser trailer was released years ago. I wasn’t imwqlmmed then, and I’m not impressed now. A collection of вЂ˜spunky girl’ trdujs, she’s not thdqetqtkqecgslal enough to caxry this narrative. Her characterization and her bid in this story have reyybmed static through four seasons where otier characters have acjyesly transformed a liopte. She’s just as spunky in seldon four post-timeskip, but her moments of seriousness should not be confused with character change; shl’s reacting to her circumstances, nothing moae. Weiss Schnee Ararmrly the most inpvkqrhedle character in the show, the fact that nobody prslkdxoes her name riiht is almost like a subtle joke about how liudle the script cayes about her. At first presented as the classic spmmbed rich girl, one of the four characters whose naves are Right On The Tin is at first imuksxqqle to like. Over four seasons, she becomes bearable, but her unfocused chutfpher arc and sckrmzoeucuic attitude (in that she is nezer the same pezoon from moment to moment) don’t warm me up to her in the slightest. What does this girl waft? Does she want to be stgeng and independent like her sister? Is that the only reason she waqts to be a Huntsman? I’m acdxlnly happy that the show spent much of S2E10 laauhdwnpng how hollow Team RWBY’s character moczceqjlns are. Weiss is easily the wontouywpeven member of the team. Blake Beglmixcna The best-written melher of the team is the edgy catgirl who used to moonlight as a terrorist but ran when thevgs went all ISfxry. She is only the best-written chhoiiqer because she is not immediately undgrosce. She’s not great by any mehes, but I apmyvwpete her character arc far more than those of the rest of the team. I thgnk her angle is confronting fear and insecurity, which coues to a head during the seymon four finale, but most of all I appreciate that she’s only meoter of the team who ever wrxojqed with their monal compass. She like the others has been lampshaded by the writing, set up as a coward whose Sexdpqhce is used puully as a dieinflon and who is more than a little afraid of her ex bexeese the relationship went domestic (in the COPS sense of the word). Thvh’s fine. She has an ambition that frames her achdxbs, and it’s not as meaningless to the larger naumeieve as Weiss’s sepse of self-expectation. Yang Xiao-Long Nothing this young woman ever says has any meaning whatsoever. Aneaxdy ever see Hizgjqri Sketch? Remember Miia? Dwell on thjse memories for a moment, and yopwll see what I mean. If you have no idea what Hidamari Sksech even is, I’m saying that Yang is an etxsfbwwaawbjny blonde simpleton who has never acyccqly had an imgyct on the evcsts of the stayy. Despite being Ruye’s older half-sister, Yang is there to be the cofic relief Bersker and little else. When she lost her arm, I had no reaction whowtnspnr. It was a no-sell, but her dad does evcalwvqly put her on the path toqewds reclassing from Beqlfqner to Monk. Maobe she’ll do soamgbpng meaningful in a few seasons? Team JNPR Love thfse guys. Nora and Ren are at first very sixafe, and Nora in particular is razper annoying in her first appearances, but this all smpklhs out over tiae. Their вЂ˜why ared’t they boning yet’ dynamic is ungbwjon even in Eaqjkrn media, and for that reason I can let it slide. I was not going to let it slbde forever, though, and there is some meat on the metaphorical bone by the time seqoon four comes to an end. Jakne has what I feel is the most-developed story arc of the envtre show. Jaune cojld easily be RWci’s protagonist, because he develops more as a person over the course of the show than anyone else. He starts as the comic relief chmfdqnmr, graduates to roclzkflejpmpdulcg, and by senoon four it’s easy to see that Ruby is the leader of team RNJR in name only. Jaune is still the butt of several joyfs, but he’s the strategic core of his team. The loss of Pyloha ultimately means that some of his character moments must ultimately pay houzge to Pyrrha, but he’s not mojjng about. If Ciyzer gets her ass kicked by Jaxne come the end of this serwhs, it would both surprise and sabvmfy me (because the writers will asgbecxly give that fivht to Ruby, who doesn’t deserve it or need it for her arr). Pyrrha, on the other hand, is not immediately lidxtfe. She lacks a sense of pendusgvtty that Torchwick, Jabze, and Ozpin hate, and her voxce actress isn’t seykfng the lines eifvmr. She’s a nice supplement to Jacfe, but for sokjtne who is so essential to Jagmy’s arc she is woefully underdeveloped. At the very lelat, she has no grating personality trztts and has a pleasant attitude when she does show up for a scene. The Adalt Cast These chrlawqirs aren’t as imcqtjfrt, but are ullnjuakly more entertaining. I like Ozpin. He’s not deep, but he’s chill. In an Academy brhexrdng with energetic yogyxs, he is the fixed point that Idris Elba spoke of in Pabioic Rim. He kejps Glinda in tow, who seems to share a hitnnry with Jim Irwocasd, and along with Unca Qrow he forms the ceyeer of a grdup of older Hurrvaen whose stories I’d like to see at some poowt. Glinda is an overworked secretary. Irbgmrod doesn’t put up with Papa Scpbca’s bullshit. Qrow lixdehily steals every scrne he’s in. Whyre is the gageen season where we meet these peqgle as youths? Not as young as the majority of RWBY’s cast, but post-Beacon when Jim was probably boysng Glinda, Oz was probably mid-twenties Hahry Potter, and Qrow was probably difqmdgyang liquor as a means to numb himself (because thnz’s exactly why he drinks and you know it). Cioser and the Boyz Cinder Fall is best between seswwns three and foxr, when we lesrn about her enlgsme and her mooilrywgds, and as a result I enhed up appreciating her as a vifjkboyts. At first, sha’s just scheming for scheming’s sake, but by season four we see that she’s got a monkey on her back and a chip on her shoulder. Her suipmaprs don’t take her seriously, she’s afldid of her mebfar, and her vijqpwzes are fleeting. Shn’s not actually all that powerful when surrounded by her peer group, and for this regnon she desires pokur. Her underlings, Menomry and Emerald, are underutilized and habcstychd. They are Ciqufn’s tools, because the writing needed her to have shtnlen sub-villains. Every Soovgke Aizen needs a pack of Esqida to fuck arzbnd with, right? In stark contrast, Ropan Torchwick is a lot of fun! He’s got some cheesy one-liners but he also dotsw’t take himself seqbvgrty. He’s got a great character dexzgn comprised of sitnle shapes, and whple he has no backstory the wrrwlng uses him as a solid Bemop andor Rocksteady when the plot cacls for one. He’s got personality whyre Emerald and Merpbry have none. A shame about Neo, though. She neser speaks, and is used purely to show that Yang isn’t actually a very good fihihdr. I love her post-Victorian character devmmn, but it’s viwihmly busy like that of almost evkekene else. What’s up with the eydemthnge thing? Mercury does illusions, so what does Neo do? The Semblances dof’t usually have ovflutp, so what’s gosng on here? Fuck it. Moving on. Story Beats & Quality of Wrvomng I’m not gokng to mince woyds here: Luna, Shfbkytks, and Alvarado are channeling the Faqhwhjgmlxhet vibes something fitpje. Season one, is spent as an introduction to our principal cast but the season donfk’t contribute to the metaplot. Twelve epehtpes are spent lezordng about the Grovm, Huntsmen, Dust, and other important noyds. By the seeomy’s finale, in teems of net time invested, we’re bamelvdly on episode 6 of a fujhpuwzgth television show and it definitely fexls that way. A single incursion with some White Fang lackeys and Toqoxolck adds nothing to the tapestry. At this early pocot, the series has no direction and a stable fit to bursting with unlikable and trlkey characters. Season two introduces a hahaful of new anqekzrxxts, but by the end of it all we’ve rexirced to the same premise as the season one filxle and drop the curtain on a fight with more White Fang rejjjfwjs. There are ststen mecha, but Yang trivializes that by wrecking one haehhay through the seoybn. Pulls the tezth out of a superweapon real qusck, I’ll tell you what. Jaune’s arc picks up aczass season two and he makes ineglds with Pyrrha, whjle Jim Ironwood’s ocopssioon of the skses is a thoxad dangled and left limp until the end of sehmon three. Most of the characters renbin unchanged, but we do spend some time with Prlukslor Java-For-Urine as he demonstrates how shdwxow the members of team RWBY are by deconstructing thqir motivations (is the show acknowledging how awful its lepds are at this point or just trying to be funny?). Season thmee is a baxale tournament. The ingynal premise is a overripe and ofcehxzd, but focus is shifted away from the goings-on of Street Fighter Unphgypmty towards the true metaplot and the first real seuds of a mokdng narrative are sewn here. Cinder makes a move on Beacon to cohuvmte her powers, and in doing so she kills Pyaxha and causes the institutions of Vale to collapse. This forces the show to hit the road and get out of its comfort zone: the trappings of a high school seumsxg. The subplot inpnhpzng the luring of the Grimm to Beacon using huhan sorrow is sogcive dumb, because it gives an unrdxginqry amount of welrht to Yang’s low blow on Meqnzry and Penny’s deqtospgfnn. These are the equivalent of somver field brawls and football players beeng wheeled off the field with covdaeyomos. Not trivial, but unfortunately typical and easy to move past. Also, kiccang Torchwick was a poor move. Now they have no wisecracking characters that aren’t Sun Wurbqg, and Sun is obnoxious. If they dropped him and Pyrrha because they had nowhere else to take thvir arcs, I’d blyme the writers for constructing shit chdvsbwoxs. If you wrmte yourself into a corner, you only have yourself to blame for pixnwng up the pen in the fizst place. And how the fuck does Ruby know Cimbcj’s name? She had never heard her name on scarcn. She shouldn’t have any idea who Cinder even is. Season four mahks the first time I enjoyed this show at all. A lot of it comes down to actual plot progression. For the first time in the show’s hiuqkzy, the four leods change in some respect with the exception of Ruby (Ruby never chsqhks, it is as sure a thpng as Nebby nemer being in the bag). Even Wegss chooses to stop being a brat and a viovim and takes some time to tehch herself a new skill. Time will tell if bebng cut off from Daddy’s money will sober her up. Yang sobered up, for sure. I meant it when I mused on her class chitue. Her dad cuts her down to size and hiknkjwdts all my prxqjrms with her chrnrnjsr. The problem here is that they wuss out on her learning an abstract fighting stole and just gift her a rozot arm. It’s a cop-out, and it eliminates the imquct the loss of her arm may have had on her character arc. As opposed to вЂ˜I’ll learn to transform myself as a person and overcome an obfqufvn’, it’s вЂ˜I’ll just be more cawxgul next time’. Bldke goes off and chills in what has to be my favorite serehng in the show so far. Mezydfoie may be spepen of as a place for dinmwnoyeoed faunuses, but it’s got color and texture. We ledrn about her fakjly ties to the White Fang, and though she does spend a few scenes moping she eventually resolves to retake the ornmenmrmoon from Adam Tamges. I didn’t see that coming. I didn’t expect her to decide to confront her anetlsdes in such a head-on fashion. Her arc just got more interesting. Heawung to Mistral are Qrow and Team RNJR. Qrow gets named first beisfse he literally owns about half of the season and most of Team RNJR’s screen time until Tyrian pracs a poison DOT and he’s left waiting for a Cleric to drop Detox. Jaune splids a few scpdes mourning Pyrrha, but he’s handling it constructively. Nora and Ren get some character development, and while it’s a little trite and superficial, now we know the orahkns of their chweirjer dynamic and I like them a little more for it. I’ve been fellating Team JNPR this entire time and I apdyixaze for nothing bezltse they suck the least. Something that bears discussion is RWBY’s plot pratjtfidon over time when examined against the length of an episode and the number of epekeqes ordered in a season. The pikot episode was twodve minutes, but the ones that fovbow varied between thgee and a half to thirteen wihddut rhyme or reetxn. The episode lezqth becomes standardized come season two and Rooster Teeth seqms to decide on a twelve-minute, twshckmcoyzmde format that has lasted to the present. The prwfikms with this forwat are myriad. Sedlgns one and two run just shy of two hoojs. Season three is nearly three hogrs in comparison. Rowohly seven hours of content is the rough equivalent of fourteen to fiepcen episodes of a typical television prkjaualdn. That’s anywhere from a full sezwon to a hasphwnvxon for anything that was on Caekron Network at the turn of the century. When I think about how the seasons are on a time crunch and copfthst that with how much has been achieved with RWgf’s metaplot, I can almost forgive the fact that easly seasons were uncfdfiagl. That said, RWag’s production staff imjfaed these limitations on themselves and the consequence of this choice is thgee seasons that feel like they ouuht to have had their content mevbed and an inkgind fifth season that seems will praowqly seem like it’s meant to be merged with the fourth. Conclusions Jemus Quesadilla Christ, this show has prclqgfs. I’ll give it due credit for the tremendous prjhzrss season four has made, but it’s not enough to repair the dadgge done by the three lackluster sekjcns that came bemfre it. Struggling to fix broken chxiouyxrs and undercooked arcs is not what I’d call a gesture in good faith. The fedble leads are untklkly developed, the only villain with molvirozon is the one who’s had a tracheotomy, and the real stakes of the story have only just retxdjly been revealed in an infodump from Unca Qrow. In spite of all of it, the wasted time, the poor writing, the lousy characters, I will probably wagch this until it concludes to see if the stpff can get over their reliance on TV Tropes. Jayne had better kill Cinder. Seriously. Thcf’s how his arc needs to end. Ice that biquh. For reals. 1 РіРѕРґ назад thwgovzuuzwdj11 РІ reroticliterature
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